PA Raspberry Pi Awards 2024

Years 10-11 finalists

PA Raspberry Pi Awards 2024

This year, we challenged students to develop ingenious solutions in response to the theme: improving health and well-being.

Out of the many innovative submissions by teams around the country, here are the finalist projects from years 10-11 students:


Developing a household device for indoor air quality monitoring

AIRWISE is a compact household device designed for indoor air quality monitoring. It tracks crucial values including humidity, air pressure, air quality, and eCO2 levels. AIRWISE has set parameters for these sensors and uses humidifier and dehumidifier modules to correct the humidity to what is best for your health. AIRWISE also alerts users if any other values exceed parameters, such as the Air quality or CO2.



Building a chatroom to gain trustworthy information

We have built a chatroom where individuals can engage with experts such as climate scientists, researchers, and educators to gain correct information and insights on diverse topics. This initiative aims to foster a culture of curiosity and critical thinking among our youth whilst also providing correct information and varied opinions from experts. By creating a positive and trustworthy environment we can help teach young people to distinguish fact from fiction and be less susceptible to brainwashing and manipulation.


Tech Titans

Building an IoT medical assistant to increase patient care

To approach the topic of health, we propose to create a health kit to help those in less developed countries to have greater access to healthcare as queues to the local GP could be hours, days or even weeks long and the closest doctor could be 15-65km away. Therefore, we built a home-based IoT medical assistant, that can detect irregularities, and increase patient care, and may even cancel trips to the doctor. We decided to focus on coronary heart disease as in 2019 alone, it killed 9.1 million people. To do this we first created a device that measures the user’s heart rate, temperature and blood pressure using a Raspberry Pi 4B and 3 sensors.

Tech Titans

We Were Groot

Developing a reminder system for those in need of support

We created a device with an aim to support those helping people in need as well as those suffering with a disability; specifically those who do not require full-time care but need an extra bit of support and are living alone. Our product creates a reminder system for family members of those in need of some support, such as people with dementia, to schedule repeatable reminders with visual, text and audio aids to play throughout the day which prompt the client or person in need of support to do everyday tasks which they may otherwise forget to do.

We Were Groot

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