

Harnessing Norway’s hydrogen horizon

Electricity demand is increasing, alongside the need to meet pressing net zero targets. Power-to-X (PtX) is key in meeting this demand, producing clean hydrogen from renewable energy to provide a sustainable alternative with vast potential.

Norway is in prime position to harness hydrogen by investing in the development of PtX, drawing on its green electricity assets, low power prices, and strong existing export position. The production of hydrogen and hydrogen derivatives through PtX underpins a robust hydrogen industry that is fit for the future – and Norway is leading the charge.

Three pillars are driving Norway’s PtX progress:

1. Rapidly scaling low-cost green electricity

How can PtX fuel Norway’s renewable energy journey?

2. Tapping into export opportunities

How can Norway optimise its strong existing position as an energy exporter to supply hydrogen and hydrogen-derived products?

3. Overcoming grid capacity and flexibility challenges

How can PtX help to balance the requirements of the future Norwegian power system?

From possible to practical

Based on conversations with energy industry leaders and extensive market research, we offer a number of recommendations to unlock Norway’s power-to-X potential, aligned to each of the three pillars.

1. Rapidly scaling low-cost green electricity:

  • Set ambitious electrolysis targets that match desired export volumes
  • Design offshore wind auctions to incentivise PtX deployment
  • Identify ideal offshore wind areas for PtX deployment.

2. Tapping into export opportunities:

  • Set up the right governance and operating models for PtX in Norway
  • Collaboratively plan and manage electricity and hydrogen transmission and interfaces.

3. Overcoming grid capacity and flexibility challenges:

  • Develop a national electrification strategy in Norway
  • Identify the role of PtX as a storage solution.

Collaboration between the private and public sphere will enable realistic yet ambitious targets to be set and met, while smoothing out potential complications through a mutually agreed and co-owned infrastructure.

How we can help

We support industrial investors, international energy companies, grid companies, systems operators, and governments to assess the opportunities of PtX projects. We also work with several leading offshore wind developers in strategic engagements, covering market entry assessments and auction support in Europe and the Nordics. 

Our multi-disciplinary experts blend deep experience with technical excellence, enabling clients to deliver the most impactful solutions.

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About the authors

Christian Rønberg PA energy transition expert
Petter Knudsen
Petter Knudsen PA energy expert
Espen Odderbø
Espen Odderbø PA energy and utilities expert

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