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Public sector IT buyers must step up to create value with new purchasing system

By Torsten Knudsen, Michael Gadgaard


07 June 2024

The SKI agreement 02.19 for Specialized Systems has been re-tendered as a framework agreement since 2023. Concurrently, SKI has developed an addendum in the form of a dynamic purchasing system (DPS), which has just been launched. The DPS represents a breakthrough, but public buyers will need to learn how to create value with it.

It is not news that public authorities must constantly deal with increasing complexity and new legislative requirements. Examples of this are the latest legislative requirements such as NIS2, AI Act, Digital Services Act. These new laws often entail new obligations for suppliers, and IT buyers are responsible for ensuring compliance with them. When specialised systems are purchased under a framework agreement that has historically been re-tendered every four years, this has created challenges because it was not possible to foresee at the time how they would meet the increased legislative requirements.

Technically, it has also created a series of challenges on the security front. Threats and vulnerabilities evolve at lightning speed, requiring immediate adaptation and development of applications. Simultaneously, high levels of security must be ensured and various regulations complied with. This also puts pressure on IT buyers to keep a sharp eye on the latest technology and legislation. With SKI's dynamic purchasing system, public sector buyers will be better able to tackle challenges such as changed requirements and obligations on suppliers and the need to adapt contract templates to meet new regulations.

DPS has value-creating elements

Therefore, generally, it is a good idea to use the DPS to meet the many new requirements. Here are the three main advantages:

  1. High levels of flexibility and opportunity to procure suites of applications
    By using the dynamic purchasing system, the public sector IT buyer is freed from having to make purchases within a predetermined "box" (service area). It is specifically designed to enable the purchase of solutions across different areas and allows for the procurement of suites. This is often relevant for payroll and personnel services, as well as within health, social services, and care.
  2. Time savings on EU tenders
    When the state assesses an EU tender, it will be easier to get suppliers on the SKI agreement and then use the tools SKI provides to prepare the tender material. This results in faster tender processes and provides digital tools and templates.
  3. Ongoing competition
    A central element and advantage of the dynamic purchasing system is the improvement in the competitive environment. It has become significantly easier for other suppliers to join the agreement, which contributes to increased competition and so better offers.

Points to pay attention to when using DPS

When using the dynamic purchasing system, there will be changes that public IT buyers need to be particularly aware of. This will involve some additional work, but we consider that the benefits outweigh the challenges. We have compiled a list of a few areas that stand out and need a focus on them.

Requirements for needs assessment and specification preparation

This is about creating a fundamental list of requirements that describe precisely what the organisation needs. It is important to have a clear idea of the requirements and expectations for the specialised systems in the organisation. This is achieved by collaborating internally and specifying needs by detailing technical specifications, security requirements, and compliance requirements.

Increased requirements for procurement law knowledge

You need to ensure you have a better understanding of how procurement processes work and can naturally follow the procurement rules if you want to use DPS. Although using DPS does not require more skill or time compared to a traditional procurement process, it still presents challenges for public sector buyers. This is because there is a greater need for speed and understanding of procurement legislation. If you do not have these skills, you might not be able to fully utilise the value of DPS, and it may be better to stick with the traditional agreement, despite its limitations. However, we believe that many public institutions can significantly accelerate their procurement and acquisition of IT systems by using the new DPS.

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