In the media

Personalized wellness on the rise: 90% seek tailored health products

By Kelly Beaton

The Food Institute

26 June 2024

The Food Institute highlights health and nutrition data from PA’s wellness and fitness survey and quotes PA’s wellness and innovation expert David Knies.

The article notes that Americans and Brits are consumed with thoughts about their health daily. A new survey conducted by PA Consulting found that 85% of U.S. and UK consumers take an interest in their health and think about it often.

Similarly, only half of the 4,000 surveyed consumers consider their physical health “good” and just 47% said they’re satisfied with their diet and nutrition. The research also revealed that consumer spending is on the rise, with 78% of consumers planning to buy new wellness and fitness products or services by the end of 2025.

“The global wellness economy is booming across all sectors as people prioritize healthier choices,” noted David Knies, wellness and innovation expert at PA Consulting, in a statement. “However, we’re seeing a clear disconnect between most people’s desire for improvement and their real-world experiences. Our research points to an opportunity for leaders in the wellness space to offer more ‘stackable’ products, services, and experiences which are better tailored to individuals’ needs.”

Read the full Food Institute article

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