Press release

PA Consulting survey dispels gaming stereotypes, reveals new priorities for next-gen gamers

20 August 2024

New research by PA Consulting (PA), the global innovation and transformation consultancy, has revealed a decisive shift in attitudes to gaming, with gamers actively prioritising their physical fitness, mental wellbeing, and the environment whilst playing. 

Futuristic gaming character using indoor rowing machine

The survey of 4,000 UK and US gamers debunks traditional stereotypes – including the notion that gamers are physically inactive, introverted, and combative. It found that around two in three players prioritise a healthy body to improve their gaming (63%), want to see more sustainable gaming ecosystems (61%), and seek a relaxing gameplay experience (66%). This trend is particularly pronounced among ‘next-gen gamers’: Gen Z and millennials who identify as dedicated gamers and are leading the change.

Key findings from the survey include:

  • Next-gen gamers put health first. 70% of next-gen gamers say their physical performance (e.g. overall fitness, reaction times) is more important than the technical performance of their hardware or software when gaming. Three quarters try to maintain a healthy body through exercise and diet to be at the top of their game (75%), and wish games with a fitness aspect (e.g. Ring Fit Adventure, Just Dance) were promoted more (74%). The gaming industry has long been hooking people into gameplay – but the findings show it must help gamers stay healthy, and consider the long-term implications of gear and gameplay on the body’s performance.
  • Players demand eco-friendly gaming. Most respondents (52%) feel the industry isn’t doing enough to make gaming more sustainable. Nearly three in four (73%) next-gen players say they care significantly about gaming’s environmental impact, and are willing to make sacrifices to be sustainable. 46% believe it’s important to limit their energy use to be more eco-friendly when gaming, 34% consider gaming purchases based on their sustainability credentials, and 25% have delayed the purchase of the latest generation to lengthen existing devices’ lifespan.
  • Gaming has shifted from battlefield to sanctuary. Gaming’s long-held links with traditionally masculine, militaristic tropes have been broken. Players are now looking for a sanctuary: experiences that are inviting, comforting, and support wellbeing. 59% of consumers want technology to help them game more ‘mindfully’ (e.g. smart-tech, peripherals) – which rises to 77% among next-gen gamers. Around half this demographic say they have made their gaming space more relaxing in the past year, and three quarters believe gaming is good for their mental health.
  • Gaming centres around socialising – so what about the metaverse? 62% of respondents agree gaming helps them stay in touch with friends and family, and 31% want companies to promote more ‘in real life’ events to meet online friends in a safe space. Notably, four in five (79%) next-gen gamers think virtual reality is an exciting space for gaming, and two thirds (67%) are excited about the possibilities of the metaverse, indicating that the metaverse could be the new social frontier of gaming.
Our research dispels outdated stereotypes, revealing that today’s gamers are deeply invested in the health, environmental, social, and wellbeing aspects of gaming. The days of gamers being seen as sedentary and isolated are over. The gaming community has evolved, and it’s essential that the industry evolves with it to meet next-gen gamers’ demands and needs, as highlighted in our survey.”
Chief Design Officer, PA
Gaming is eclipsing many other forms of entertainment, and has become a dominant force in how people unwind and connect. Our survey reveals a chance for brands to engage with a new wave of gamers who value relaxation, social interaction, and sustainability as part of their gaming lifestyle. Companies that can tap into exciting new opportunities in eco-friendly gaming, virtual reality, and healthy gameplay will be well-positioned in this dynamic market.”
Gaming design expert, PA

PA Consulting conducted the survey in early 2024 with 4,000 respondents across both the UK and US (2,000 respondents in each country). The purpose of the survey was to understand gamers’ behaviours, challenges, motivations, and needs in relation to gaming.

Three futuristic space gaming characters

The future of gaming

How gaming brands can evolve to meet the needs of next-gen gamers.
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