
Pioneering revolution with generative AI

The rise of generative AI represents a seismic shift, unleashing a wave of innovation that has the potential to transform industries and societies.

Powered by ever-more advanced deep learning, generative AI systems hint at a future where machines can generate novel text, images, sounds, and even computer code with increasing sophistication.

The implications are profound - business professionals can exponentially increase their output, language barriers can be erased in real time, personalised education and medical treatment become scalable, and discoveries can be accelerated as AI systems surface novel hypotheses and insights through analysis of massive datasets. We have only scratched the surface of what's possible.

70 percent of organizations are currently in Exploration Mode with Generative AI.
45 percent of executives have increased AI investments due to ChatGPT.
Reaching 100 million users two months, Chat GPT is the fastest growing app ever.
GPT-4 scored better than 90 percent of test takers on a simulated bar exam.

Early movers will win

It is becoming increasingly clear that businesses must embrace generative AI to remain competitive. While risks exist around transparency, bias, security and misuse, the transformative potential of this technology is undeniable. 

Now, at the detectable disruption, is the time to capitalise. And our team of experts are here to help you make the strategic choices that’ll exploit this opportunity.

How will generative AI impact your organisation?

1. Value. Which areas of your business has the most potential to benefit from the implementation of generative AI technologies?

2. Adoption. What are the key success factors and potential challenges that you need to consider when implementing generative AI solutions?

3. Risk. How can you establish transparent, bias-free, and accountable processes?

4. Implementation and Technology. How do you choose the right technology path and implementation approach?

Working together

Interdisciplinary team
Our team of experts includes (generative) AI specialists, data scientists, business strategists, and design thinkers. This interdisciplinary approach allows us to develop comprehensive solutions that address both the technical and business aspects of our clients' challenges
Focus on business value
Our AI solutions are designed to generate significant business value for you. We validate our solutions thoroughly to ensure that they deliver measurblee results and drive growth and efficiency.
Fast and agile
Our team is designed to be fast and agile, allowing us to quickly develop and launch prototypes and MVPs for you. This means that you can start generating business value from their AI solutions quickly.
Proven track record
We have a proven track record of delivering successful AI solutions for businesses across various industries, from healthcare to finance to manufacturing. Our clients trust us to deliver results that drive business growth and success.

How we can help

Depending on your needs, we offer four practical and collaborative steps to build a comprehensive understanding of the business value of generative AI. We’ll work together to identify actionable use cases, develop a transformative proof of concept, and deliver successful results to achieve your business goals.

Generative AI introduction

An interactive, 2 hour session providing an introduction to generative AI – the tools, the value they can drive, the benefits and risks you need to consider.

Generative AI use cases

Over 2 days, we explore high level user journeys for your business identifying opportunities for improvements or transformation. Depending on your level of maturity, we then move to either proof of concept and MVP development or a generative AI strategy assessment. 

Generative AI strategy development

Over 4-6 weeks, we conduct a strategic evaluation to understand the readiness of your business to adopt AI solutions. We assess your data, infrastructure and internal capabilities, identify gaps and opportunities, design the target state, estimate the cost and benefits of delivering them. We agree success criteria, process sample data, agree features and functionality, produce a technical demonstrator, and identify a backlog of further improvements.

Generative AI Studio Implementation

Over 8-12 weeks, a fast paced and structured way to implement a Generative AI Studio that becomes your sustainable “execution muscle” to imagine, design, and deliver generative AI use-cases focused on value and business outcomes.

Explore more on AI

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